About Us


We're part of a world-wide community movement in response to peak oil and climate change. This site gives you details of our up and coming events and meetings, as well as reports and related matters that are going on in Norwich and East Anglia.

NEWS AND RELATED EVENTS... Common Room - Low Carbon Cookbook - Magdalen-Augustine Celebration - Norwich FarmShare - Transition Free Press 4 - Visions for Change -On the Blog Harvest: Looking in the Archive 2009-2013 - Flight of the Butterflies - Where We Are Now

Friday, April 23, 2010

Allotment - Plant Swap

We're making good progress with the allotment in spite of the continuing cold weather - windowsill gardening is the key while we wait for the soil to warm up! So far we've got seedlings of at least six different types of tomato; three sorts of pepper (including seed from Slovakia for delicious white salad peppers; aubergines; courgettes; squashes and pumpkins (with a special exotic from South Africa, Flat White Boer]; some cabbages and salad; and potatoes chitting nicely (Pink Pir Apple, Nicola, Charlotte). We're planning a plant swop at the end of May, probably outside the Forum - so all you green-fingered Transitioners, do please sow a few extra seeds now to swop on the day! For further info contact: jane@janechittenden.co.uk (Jane Chittenden)